Thursday 11 December 2014

Our blog is now closed for the 2014 school year and there will be no new posts.You will still be able to access our blog though the Halcombe School website. Thank you for your support throughout the year, we have loved sharing our learning with you.
Have a fun and relaxing holiday!


Dear Room 4 students and families

Thank you so much for a fantastic year in Room 4 at Halcombe School.

Keep up all your hard work, enthusiasm and love for learning.

It has been an absolute pleasure to get to know each and every one of you!

Have a very Merry Christmas and enjoying spending time together.

With love from

Miss Campbell


Tuesday 2 December 2014


It is Athletics Day tomorrow. How exciting!

We must all remember these things:

-wear shorts, t-shirt and HAT!
- if you have your house team colour, wear it!
-water bottle
- a spare tshirt just in case you get really wet while doing the water relay
- know what team number you are
-chant loud and proud