Wednesday 27 February 2013


Today Room 4 had our triathlon. It was hot work! We all tried our hardest, giving 100% effort and had a smile on our face in the end. The fastest time was 13.02 minutes won by Riley, Leah and Tyler. Congratulations to everyone!

 Thank you Toby for taking great photos and keeping the time.


Time has come for room 4’s triathlon. It was so exhausting that Jason nearly came last in the bike, luckily he didn’t. When Jason finally finished he quickly jumped of his racing bike. Then Jason ran with dust coming out behind him and tagged Cameron.

Cameron sprinted to the pool and dived in. He started to do his six laps of the pool with water spraying out behind him like a hose. Cameron said it was like swimming in Antarctica. When he finished he sprinted back to tag Azi.
Azi was off running down the field with stretched muscles and a stitch but still kept on running. Azi was so exhausted that she wished she had jet boots on.
The triathlon was amazing plus exhausting but we still enjoyed it!

By Jason, Cameron, Azi


Emma was shivering with fear because she was about to start racing on her bike. She went speeding past lots of people and came 4th in her race. We were very pleased with what Emma had achieved. Then Emma ran straight to Logan and he ran down to the swimming pool. He did six lengths then ran like a cheater to tag Sophie. Once Sophie had been tagged she ran four laps of the field like lightning to the finish line. We really enjoyed the triathlon and we were very proud of each other!  

By Emma, Logan and Sophie 

Triathlon challenge

We placed ourselves in position and Go! Shouted Miss Campbell. Jessica gripped as tight as she could on the handle-bars so she wouldn’t fall off. Her bike jumped through the air. Once she hopped off her bike she wobbled as she went to tag Tahu’s hand.
Tahu sprinted then dived into the cold refreshing pool. Tahu swam until he did seven laps of the pool. He jumped out and raced back to the starting line to tag Georjia’s hand. As soon as he touched her hand she sprinted with the prickly dry grass crashed against her heels. She raced past Heath then past S** and sprinted back to the finish line. As the wind blew in her face it was refreshing and cooling.
’’Awesome’’ we said. We came second.  It was a fantastic triathlon!

By Jessica, Georjia and Tahu


Tuesday 26 February 2013


The senior team had a jump in the swimming pool this afternoon. Today got so hot that we needed to refresh our bodies and minds with a dunk in the pool. What a great way to cool off!


Today we tuned in to our topic "Maoritanga" by making a special visit to  Taumata O Te Ra marae. For many of us this was the first time we have visited our local marae.

We were very lucky to be taken through the marae. We have learnt so much already!

We are learning that:
- stories are told to explain how and why things are
-it is important that the language of a culture is kept alive
-a marae is a place where a community comes together
-aspects of Maori culture help make New Zealand unique
-we respect tikanga (Maori protocols)
-performing through the arts is a way to celebrate the Maori culture

Friday 22 February 2013


Room 4 are learning to use computer shortcuts.
Here are some great visuals about what some short cuts are used for.
Use your great commenting skills to post a comment about when you might use these shortcuts and add anymore that you know.


Miss Campbell was very impressed yesterday afternoon when she watched our junior touch team.
It was great to see everyone playing as a team and listening closely to their coaches.
Well done boys, keep it up!