Monday 11 February 2013


Last week Room 4 had a 'Get to know you" camp at school. It was a great opportunity to challenge the children and develop their independence.
Thank you parents/caregivers and teachers for supporting Room 4 to have this camp.

Take a look at all the great fun we had.

Camp on PhotoPeach

Camp on PhotoPeach

Camp Highlights
Miss Campbell revealed some unusual games. Camp challenges were exhausting like the human knot and jockeys up. Everyone and I had a morning swim to refresh ourselves.
At night time we played charades and we had a cup of milo then we went in our tents. The boys were snoring, sleep talking and farting but it was all still fun.
That’s what I liked about camp!
Written by Seth

1 comment:

  1. Miss Campbell told me that you had a wonderful time at camp last week Room 4. She said you had a lot of fun!
