Thursday 11 July 2013


This week during reciprocal reading we read an article about how taste buds works. The article was called “Mmm, that’s Tasty” written by Neville Gardner.
We learnt that a receptor is a group of 100 cells that form a taste bud. We also learnt that umami is a scientific word for savoury. Your tongue is made up of papilla which contains taste buds, connective tissue, salivary glands and a layer of muscle.

Did you know that when you get older you can’t taste as well as children? This is because taste buds take longer to be replaced, the more hot food and drinks you have the longer your taste buds take to get replaced.  

When we went over our learning with Miss Campbell it was perfect timing because the dental nurse Vikki came in and helped up with our learning.

Blog post written by Hamish, Jason, Tyler, Jensen and Azirella

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