Monday 7 October 2013


I hope everyone is having a lovely holiday!

Here are some important dates and information that you'll need to know for Term 4

1) During Week 1 you will be having spelling tests
2) Week 3, you will be showing how amazing you have got in maths by doing Stage tests and the Basic Facts Test
3) During week 3 you will also do a reading understanding test that involves cloze activities like we do in class
4) Pet Day is on the 21st of October
5) Cross Country is on the 23rd of October
6) Remember our toilet block is getting redone so you'll need to put your bags on the seat outside our classroom and go to the senior toilets by Room 6

AND lastly but way more exciting than tests...

7) On the 21st- 22nd of November (Week 6) Room 4 will be having an overnight camp at school. During this time we will be going on a day tramp and visiting the Bartlett's farm. More information about this will be posted on the blog in week 1.


  1. Very busy week ahead for you guys, good luck with the tests.

  2. Looking forward to you all coming to visit when you are on camp!!
