Thursday 12 December 2013


This blog is now closed for the 2013 school year and there will be no new posts until next year.
Thank you for all the support that has been given to Room 4 and we have enjoyed the comments posted on our blog.

Thank you Room 4 for being stars this year and for always trying your best. 
I wish you all a very Merry Christmas. Make sure you have lots of fun in the holidays and I look forward to seeing you in the new year.

Miss Campbell 


Last night we celebrated a fantastic year at Senior Prize giving. Five class certificates were given.

S- For striving to achieve your goals and having a focused, positive attitude towards everything you do.
Jensen- For brilliant all round achievements, your maturity in accepting feedback and developed your leadership skills.
Levi- For developing a fantastic work ethic, always having such a positive attitude to learning, and striving to achieve your best in everything.
Emma- For all the hard work you give to everything you do and your contagious enthusiasm towards education.
Logan-For developing a positive attitude in learning and, becoming a role model in your class this year.

Greer  also was awarded a trophy for Green Team contribution and S was awarded senior most improved swimmer. Levi was awarded a certificate for Mathletics. Jensen and Tyler was given a certificate for Mathex.

Thursday 5 December 2013


On Wednesday 4th December Halcombe School had our Athletics Day.

Sprints at athletics day

We marched to the 50m sprint and every nerve in my body screamed. As we got to the starting line, my eyes were locked on the finish line. “Go!” Mrs Simpson shouted into my ears so it echoed out the other side. I was getting closer to Georgia yet Emma was getting closer to me! I couldn’t let her past so I kept going at the same speed still trying to reach Georgia. A bundle of voices popped into my ear because everyone was shouting names. There were only a few steps left to reach the finish line. Once we hit the finish line everyone was panting like mad. As we walked into class I collapsed on the ground feeling as proud as an Olympian. 
By Willow


Athletics Day Sprints
CLAP! Yelled the two bricks as they smacked into each other. My legs carried me over the lane as if it was a field of fire. My heart thumped to the beat of my legs firing at the ground. The race had only just started so I still had a chance of winning. The race was on against Mataora who just pulled up beside me.
“Boo ya” I said. I passed him just in time to finish the race.
All my practice had paid off. I did so well at Athletics day.
By Hamish