Thursday 31 July 2014


It wasn't a disaster! No, it was a new maths game that used a lot of chance and a little bit of strategy.  It also helped us to think multiplicatively!  Using rectangles made from our basic facts we had to cover a grid of squares in the fastest way possible.  By throwing two dice we determined the size of our rectangle, then we chose where that rectangle would fit in our grid.  On the way we discovered THERE ARE SOME VERY COMPETITIVE CHILDREN IN OUR CLASSROOM!  After a few days of pleasant practice, we held a tournament to find the champion floodwater player.  It was very tense!

We used a MS Excel spreadsheet to set out our draw.  We could see who our champions were as each round was played.

Finally, after finding out that Fritha came in third place (after a close game with Zoe), it came down to the final game between Jessie and Holly T.  Well done, Jessie!

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