Friday 10 May 2013


This week for writing we shared our view of Mathematics by making connections and comparisons to a food. Room 4 worked very hard to think creatively and all published their writing with an appropiate image.
Here are some fantastic finish products.

If mathematics was a food it would be noodles. Noodles are tricky to get on my fork. But there is a trick to get them on your fork easily. Maths equations are tricky to solve but there are also tricks to solve them. When you are working out a maths equation you’re working out is messy, so is when you are eating noodles because your noodles look all messy and tangled around other noodles. But they are delicious to eat. After I eat all the noodles I always want more. Like I always want more maths equations once I’ve solved them all because maths is fun to do.
I know they are hard to eat because they won’t get on your fork but they sure are yummy. I love to eat noodles like I love to solve maths equations.

If mathematics was a food it would be chilli. When you eat chilli your body automatically heats up. When you do maths your body also heats up because you are getting hotter and hotter due to thinking so hard. Chilli is very slippery and sometimes when you eat it you have an explosion in your mouth like an explosion of numbers in your head when doing maths.
Chilli is can be soggy and messy. Maths can also be messy and confusing. I never really liked the heat in chilli meals but now I can handle the heat. I never really liked maths but now I LOVE it and can handle the maths challenges.

If maths was a food it would be a double scoop of ice cream. Adding toppings is like maths. There are 100s of sprinkles on ice cream like the amount of numbers in maths. Ice cream can be a challenge to eat because of the coldness of it. You can get brain-freeze and if I work really hard in maths my brain can freeze too. When I was younger I had trouble eating an ice cream like I did in maths. I had that problem eating ice cream because it got really messy fast. When ice cream comes with a cone you need to crack through it like a maths problem.
Ice cream can get annoying because of the melting pieces that come off the side and drip onto your hand. This is like when numbers jump into your brain, and then they fall out so you forget them. Also ice cream disappears like numbers in subtraction, sooner than you know! 



  1. wow Greer,Cameron and Sophie these stories are amazing.

  2. WOW! Greer,Cameron and Sophie these story's are amazing.
