Friday 27 September 2013

This term all of our topic - Let us entertain you - work was not done in our exercise books. Instead we used ICT and made powerpoints.
We are very proud of our work and valued all the learning that came from presenting our learning within an ICT programme.

Here is one to share


The senior team took time yesterday to share our "Let us entertain you" and ICT learning this term.
We discussed what we learnt, how we made things, read our writing and pointed out our most favourite pieces of work. 
We love sharing our work with Rooms 5 and 6.

Thursday 26 September 2013


Last night Halcombe School made a presentation of our learning about creativity and entertainment this term. This was to show how much we learnt about entertainment and to show off our skills! We danced, acted and sang our hearts out!
Room 4's show was about a modern family who shared their music and dance favourites. The parents (Riley and Greer) taught their children (Tahu, Jessica, Jensen and Cameron) that old school music wasn't that bad after all.
We had acts from Elvis (William), Shania Twain (Emma), Five (Tyler, Jason, Heath, Lucas, Hamish), and Spice Girls (Emma, Azi, Sophie, S, Leah). More dances included Rock 'n' Roll, Dauging, and a finale whole class dance.
To become sharp and confident, we had to practice lots to remember our moves and lines. 
The best part of this experience was entertaining our friends and families. It was an awesome, proud feeling!

Wednesday 25 September 2013


This term Room 4 were set the 15 Days of Creativity challenge. The children kept to a theme and took photo of this every day for 15 days in a row.
While doing this challenge they learnt about what makes a good photo, how to import and save photos into appropriate folders and also reflected on their organisation skills.
The children made their photos into a movie using Movie Maker and a collage using Picasa 3.
What a fun project. We all really enjoyed it.

Thursday 19 September 2013


Now this maths problem could be a great conversation for the dinner table...

Monday 16 September 2013


Monday was day 1 of cross country training. It was great to get out onto our training track and get the feel of running again. We have some strong runners in Room 4 and all the children are motivated to achieve their cross country training goals.
We are running everyday now for the rest of the term. We run a 1.6km safely coned and signed off track and repeat until the time is up. It is going be very rewarding and we will feel great!
Happy running everyone.

Friday 13 September 2013


We have another busy week ahead of us with lots to remember!

Reminder 1. Cross country starts Monday and everyday now till the end of term
Reminder 2. Practice your lines and dances for the "Let us entertain you" evening
Reminder 3: Library Thursday again
Reminder 4: Fill out those reading logs
Reminder 5: Miss Campbell is cool

Jason, Levi and Leah

Tuesday 10 September 2013


Attention Room 4
For this week only library day will be Thursday. So remember to pack your books Wednesday night!
Miss Campbell

Monday 9 September 2013


In the weekend many winter sport teams had their prize giving. Tahu, Lucas and Emma proudly shared their awards and news. It is so fantastic to see such committed sports players in Room 4. Ka Pai!


Instead of using a piece of paper we used an object as our canvas. We then explored paints, textures and how we can show we are creative without being told exactly what and how to do it.


Halcombe School entered into a Conservation snapshot competition. We had four photos in the finals from Room 7, Room 4, Room 6 and The Green Team. Room 6 won the year 7-8 category. All finalists got a very full prize bag and Room 6 was awarded with their photo on canvas alongside a hundred dollar voucher for buying plants. Thank you to all teachers, parents and children for going along to Te Manawa on Sunday for this. 


The Halcombe School teachers played the Halcombe School Senior netball team. It was hard, firm and lots of fun. 

Thursday 5 September 2013


Over the past two weeks Room 4 have written and practiced one minute speeches about one thing 'a little bit different' that they are good at. This week it was time to present to the rest of the class.
Children spoke about how the are a great annoying brother, father to a rabbit, rapper, being a role model and much more.  

Thank you to all the students for taking the opportunity to practice and make their presentation the best it could be. Miss Campbell sure was engaged listening to all your talents and laughing at the jokes you gave within your speech.

Here is a recording of Emma doing her speech.

Tuesday 3 September 2013


Today was the learning day about “Milk in Schools” from Fonterra. Mrs Simpson came into Room 4 and showed us a short movie about having milk every day in class which gave instructions of how to correctly take the straw out and fold the box up so it can be completely recycled.
We are really fortunate to be given milk each day to provide us with calcium, protein and vitamins to help us learn!