Tuesday 3 September 2013


Today was the learning day about “Milk in Schools” from Fonterra. Mrs Simpson came into Room 4 and showed us a short movie about having milk every day in class which gave instructions of how to correctly take the straw out and fold the box up so it can be completely recycled.
We are really fortunate to be given milk each day to provide us with calcium, protein and vitamins to help us learn!


  1. You listened really well Room 4 and I could tell that you enjoyed the milk. Folding the cartons is a bit tricky, but it soon gets easier with a bit of practice. The milk will be so good for you!

  2. I hope you guys enjoyed your yummy milk. And awsome job milk monitors, for bringing in the milk for the kids at writing time.

    PS: This was Seth Bennett. And i miss all of the halcombe school even Miss Campall.
    And nice speech Emma.

    1. Seth! It is great to see you commenting on the blog. We miss you and your beautiful smile so much! We hope everything is going well for you.
