Thursday 5 September 2013


Over the past two weeks Room 4 have written and practiced one minute speeches about one thing 'a little bit different' that they are good at. This week it was time to present to the rest of the class.
Children spoke about how the are a great annoying brother, father to a rabbit, rapper, being a role model and much more.  

Thank you to all the students for taking the opportunity to practice and make their presentation the best it could be. Miss Campbell sure was engaged listening to all your talents and laughing at the jokes you gave within your speech.

Here is a recording of Emma doing her speech.

1 comment:

  1. Emma! I cannot believe a sweet wee girl like you would play pranks on people! I will have to keep one eye open when I'm around you, just in case you try to trick me. Come and see me next week and I'll teach you a beauty of a trick you can try.

    Great speech - great to see you using so much expression. You obviously practiced a lot too, well done!
