Thursday 13 February 2014


This week Room 4 camped out at school. It was lots of fun and everyone enjoyed spending time interacting and getting to know each other. Lots of new friendships were formed and all the children developed their self managing skills.
What a great opportunity and experience so early in the year.
Thank you to all those who made our camp possible.

What a fantastic medicine at camp
I couldn’t help myself running to the staffroom! All that my mind was thinking about was the hot milo sitting on the table calling my name. As soon as I walked into the staffroom, I quickly grabbed the biggest and the fullest drink, I could feel myself starting to warm up… My body first, then my hands. It was steaming and boiling! When it touched my lips it burnt them it was super sugary and tasty. So I drank it really fast. Then it slowly started to drip down my throat into my tummy “Yum!” I thought.
Written by Georgia
Famous People On Camp
As Miss Campbell pressed the name against my back, I had already started wondering who I could be, Demi, Miss Campbell, Mickey Mouse? I peered over at Georgia’s back, she was Bart Simpson!
The guessing began! Blah, blah, blah was all you could here! At the end of it I still didn’t know who I was. All the people that didn’t know who they were had to stand up the front. The class helped them figure it out. I was Roald Dahl! I hope we can play that again!    
Written by Fritha

There are some picture collages the children have made.


  1. Wow! Looks like you had a wonderful time at camp Room 4. Miss Campbell told me that she was very impressed you and that you had a lot of fun. Hopefully you'll be able to build on the great learning you did over the next few weeks. Keep up the great work Room 4!

  2. What a amazing camp room4!!!

  3. What an amazing burger that was

  4. I liked camp alot and nice dancing on XFacter Emma : )
