Thursday 20 February 2014


On Tuesday we had such  a fantastic day at Foxton Beach. We learnt lots about beach safety including ten safety steps to help us at any beach.
Can you please comment on this blog post telling us what the steps are?

We also got to have a great time together swimming and playing games.


  1. That trip was soo fun!

  2. • Be prepared.
    • Be considerate to other beach uses.
    • Have a 16 or over caregiver or someone you know to look after you.
    • Listen to the lifeguards.
    • Swim between the flags.
    • Know your limits.
    • Never use lilos or foliates at the beach.
    • NEVER swim or surf alone.
    • Learn how to spot rips or currents.
    • If in doubt stay out!

  3. 10 Beach safety rules
    1. Always swim between the flags
    2. Know your limits
    3. If in doubt stay out
    4. Be prepared
    5. Don’t use floaties is in the ocean
    6. Never swim or surf alone
    7. Listen to the life guards
    8. Always have an adult with you
    9. Consider others beach users
    10. Learn how to spot rips and currents

  4. The day was soooo hot but when we went for a swim it was NICE

  5. This trip was so much fun! I hope I will get to go on the same trip next year. Also a big thanks to all the parents and teachers who provided transport on this amazing trip. Thanks everyone!
