Monday 31 March 2014


Room 4 experienced being part of a Mathex team during a Room 4 problem solving day.

Children’s thoughts:
·         Grace: I found it challenging but fun at the same time. My team had to pass the one where you had to add to make 23 and multiply to make 120 with the same numbers.
·         Fritha: It was extremely fun! I hope we can do it again. My favourite was when we had to put all the blocks in the right place and the right colour.
·         Jade: It was brain teasing but still really enjoyable.
·         Blake: The block question was the hardest. I felt so happy because we didn’t come last.
·         Josh: I found we need to work as a team. It was fun.
·         Cameron: We found that teamwork is best when solving the problems. This experience tested our abilities.

Thursday 27 March 2014


We have art with Miss Simpson each week while Miss Campbell teaches Japanese to the Room 6 kids.  We started off with some awesome koru art!

First we learnt about what a koru actually is and that it represents a new beginning or new life.  We studied lots of different kinds of koru designs and practiced drawing them.  It was tricky!

Next we decided on our design and sketched it onto the paper.  After that we used a white crayon to outline our koru and shade in our designs.  This was hard too!

Finally we had to dye our work.

Our art work looks incredible.  Call in to Room 4 sometime to see our work on the wall!

Here is what we thought about our art:
·         I felt proud of my art, because the white and purple colour look great together.  ZOE.
·         I felt really proud of my art, because I took my time and didn’t rush.  ALYSSA.
·         I felt proud of myself, because my art looks cool.  ANNA SKEL
·         I feel very proud of my finished work, because when I took my time, it made a big difference.  I am quite impressed with my korus too.  EMMA.
·         I feel proud of my finished art work, because I did not rush nor scribble on it.  My shading was nice too.  JADE.
·         I feel proud of myself, because it looks great.  HOLLY.
·         I feel pretty proud of my work, although when I started to dye it, it turned all brown.  So, I double layered it with dye.  I’m a bit worried about what it’s going to turn out like on the wall.  JESSIE.
·         I feel impressed with my art, because it looks nice.  HEATHER.
·         I love my art, because of the green dye.  I thought it was the colour of nature.  AZI.
·         I am proud of my art, because it turned out better than I expected and I took my time.  FRITHA.
·         I could have done better with my art work, because I did crooked lines.  MATAORA.
·         I feel proud of my art work.  It was a great challenge, but it was enjoyable.  I felt proud, because I took my time and didn’t give up.  WILLOW.
·         I feel proud of my art, because it is original and tidy.  ANNA SKIF
·         I feel proud of my art, because I took my time with drawing the korus and using the white crayon.  TOMMY.
·         I felt proud of myself, because it turned out well for me.  GRACE.
·         I feel proud of myself, because I listened carefully during the art lesson.  BEN.
·         I feel happy about my art, because I tried my best.  REGAN.
·         I feel really proud of my work, because I got to choose what dye I used, and I thought it looked pretty amazing.  GEORGIA.
·         I feel disappointed, because I rushed a little and I could have done better.  SETH.
·         I would give my art work two and a half stars, because I messed up the white outline of the koru.  CAMERON.
·         I did a great job with this art.  DANIELLE.
·         I feel proud, because I slowed down and took my time.  KAI.
·         I feel proud of my finished art.  PHOENIX.
·         I love my art, because it wasn’t hard at all.  It was fun and I hope we can do it again.  BLAKE.

Our art work looks incredible.  Call in to Room 4 sometime to see our work on the wall!

Monday 17 March 2014


We are so excited! Three of our tadpoles have actually formed tiny little legs! They were tiny things at first but now they have transformed into our little webbed friends.
Most of us did not believe that they would start to turn into frogs. It must be all the delicious lettuce we have been feeding their bellies up with.

Written by Zoe and Jessie

Saturday 8 March 2014


This week the senior school had their FUN Swimming Sports.
This was an afternoon fun in the water with house competitions and lots of cheering. It was great to see everyone get so involved with all smiling faces.