Monday 17 March 2014


We are so excited! Three of our tadpoles have actually formed tiny little legs! They were tiny things at first but now they have transformed into our little webbed friends.
Most of us did not believe that they would start to turn into frogs. It must be all the delicious lettuce we have been feeding their bellies up with.

Written by Zoe and Jessie


  1. I like tadpoles and great work Zoe and Jessie, I like the parahgraph you both wrote.

    1. They have very long legs now abuat 1cm long.


    2. Jade16 March 2014 14:57

      I like tadpoles and great work Zoe and Jessie, I like the parahgraph you both wrote

  2. In the picher you'll may see a tadple as got littke legs.same are mimi frog all ready!

  3. Awesome. That work was excelent! I liked having Zoe as my partner. She is so good at writing!

  4. Some of room4's tadpoles have formed legs.

  5. You are lucky that they have not jumped in your faces because let me tell you IT IS GROSS!

  6. Great work Zoe and Jessie! It sounds like you are pretty happy. I can't wait till we get lots of full grown frogs. Learning about Tadpols will be great exitment.

  7. Nice pictures miss campbell, and tadpoles rock I wish I had some! I have frogs but not tadpoles. You guys are so lucky to have a class pets!

  8. i cant wait to see some tadpoles turn into frogs! and awesome work zoe and jessie for that paragraph you described it lots.

  9. What a great experience this has been for you all in Room 4. Thanks to Mr Johnson and Fritha for their expert help. Do you know there's an old tale about kissing a frog which then turns into a prince!

  10. Oh No! we don't have any tadpoles with legs and hands anymore because they had the coulor of lettuce so they ate them. That is really sad!

  11. The tadpoles looks awesome to lern about.

  12. I like the tadpoles so much! I cant wait until they turn in to frogs.
