Monday 9 June 2014


Dear parents and caregivers

Room 4 students have decided that alongside our class taking action projects, individual actions could be taken to help our polluted environment. The children are in their first phase of planning. They are just 'thinking' about what an achievable action could be for them.

Options may include:
-promoting good environment behaviour at the dinner table
-pick up rubbish
-call a friend or talk to neighbours about the "Great Pacific Garbage Patch" so that others are aware of the impacts of littering

Please support your child/children by discussing this with them at home.
It is fantastic to see everyone is so excited and passionate about making a difference.

Many thanks
Miss Campbell

1 comment:

  1. I'm enjoying helping the environment, it makes me feel good about myself and I know I'm doing the right thing.
    P.S you can also help the environment by making art out of rubbish instead of throwing the rubbish you find into the bin, and you can also reuse objects!
