Friday 22 March 2013


Room 4 has done a PMI (positive, minus and interesting) about our week.

·       We have listened really carefully.
·       We got our gala writing published.
·       We have been trying our best.
·       We have made our teacher proud of us this week by working hard.
·       We solved the Guess your number site.
·       Most of us meet our deadlines for reading activities and writing this week.
·       We have completed our hand art.
·       We  can connect our learning of reflection with symmetry.
·       Senior school singing battle was great fun.
·       In rainbow reading we now get ourselves organised just before morning tea.

·       Three people didnt quite meet their deadlines.
·       Miss Campbell started her week off sick with the flu.
·       The boys in the Halcombe touch team are disappointed that they didnt make the finals for the season.
·       Rain has not been in a gentle consistent flow for the farms.
·       We needed to have a “keep focused chat on Tuesday.
·       We miss the pool being open to help us cool down and keep refreshed.

·         We are learning names in Te Reo like mokopuna means grandchild.
·         We now know it is important to write one thing with the best detail.
·         We now understand the serious concern of the drought.
·          Logan found it interesting to publish his work in a shape on the computer.
·         We can find sources of reflection all around the room.


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