Wednesday 6 March 2013


Today was the Senior Swimming Sports held at the Makino pool. We all tried our very best and showed our great swimming strokes to our friends and parents. 
Thank you to all those who supported and organised this event.

Room 4 have really enjoyed swimming this year and all improved lots!


  1. I can't believe how much you have all imporved in swimming this year. Well done to everyone in Room 4 for trying your hardest. That's what it's all about!

  2. Well done Room 4. You were all fantastic. I was very impressed with the standard of swimming.

  3. The swimming sports sound like lots of fun! Well done for working hard throughout swimming to improve your skills. Ka pai Room 4

  4. Well done Room 4! I thoroughly enjoyed myself watching you all do your very best even though it was a bit chilly.

  5. Rachael McLaughlin6 March 2013 at 21:35

    Awesome swimming by all. Was great to see such wonderful smiles coming out of the pool in that cold wind, and the great sportsmanship

  6. I was really impressed with all your fantastic swimming room 4. I could see the improvements made from last year and the confidence and perseverance you all showed. Well done to you all I think your all amazing!!

  7. The water was so cold I wanted 5 sweetshirts! I did so much swimming I felt like bread and half dry jam.It was amazing how fast people can swim.
