Tuesday 15 April 2014


Today we enjoyed discussing our term 1 theme learning with senior team buddies. This was a great opportunities to recall our learning, listen and interact with those in other classes. We also were impressed with the presentation of everyone's work.
Kai te mahi Senior Team!

Monday 14 April 2014


We had a fantastic Spots and Stripes day last week. Today we wrote speech around the fun day. We had to use speech marks correctly and replace the word 'said' with a more interesting word.

There are some examples:

"Look at him" I pointed. "He has zebra underwear over his pants" I chuckled to Georgia. (Willow)

"Yay it is spots and stripes day!" I bellowed to Emma with excitement. (Anna-Bo)

"Everyone is half chetah and half zebra" I whispered to the person next to me. (Kai)

"How many spots and stripes in the sea? As many as you can see" I tried to joke to Zoe. (Azriella)

"I'm pumped and ready for the parade" I bellowed. (Seth)

"Don't tell anyone but I'm wearing stripey underwear" I whispered to Aaliyah. (Jade)

Friday 11 April 2014


On Wednesday we completed another Tech Challenge with Miss Simpson.  This time we had to build the tallest tower possible, using 20 straws and some sellotape.  After we chose our partners, we discussed/planned/sketched our idea.  We learnt about a special way to 'attach' straws together without using sellotape too.  Then we had 30 minutes to build our tower and making it stand up on its own was hard!

Congratulations to the Top 3 groups:

1st - Kai and Jessie
2nd - Fritha and Georgia
3rd - Holly and Aaliyah

Wednesday 9 April 2014


Today we started maths a little different. We warmed up our brains with a picture that was sent to Miss Campbell. She asked us to search for all and any maths that we could find in the photo.

Here is some maths we thought of:

-        Estimate weight of shark fish- 2.5kg
-        Are there lines of symmetry on the fish and inside? i.e. bones
-        How many stripes are on her socks altogether?
-        Estimate the shark’s length – half a meter
-        The shark’s head is symmetrical
-        Estimate the temperature of the day- 24 degrees
-        Estimate the time of day – 3pm
-        How many shapes can you find in this picture?
-        If the shark was caught and escaped 3 times a week, how many times would this happen in 4 weeks?

Tuesday 8 April 2014


Today starting early we made breakfast using our garden rhubarb that Miss Campbell stewed and Weetbix. Some of us put lots of sugar on top!
Using spinach and silver beet from our class garden alongside the chicken’s eggs, milk, bacon and bread we made delicious bread pockets.
We appreciate our class garden carers who made sure our veges were watered each day to make our kai possible.
I wonder what we will eat next from our garden?

Comment what you want to plant next room 4!

Blog post created by Emma and Azriella

Thursday 3 April 2014


Today we had a Tech Challenge with Miss Simpson.  This is a TECHNOLOGY Challenge, which involves planning, creating/building/constructing, presenting and evaluating.  We had to work in groups to design a mini coffee table for Sonny! 

First we talked about how to be awesome group members:
·         share our ideas
·         listen to each other
·         take turns
·         compromise (join our ideas together)
·         make sure everyone has a job to do
·         don’t boss other people around
After learning how to roll paper really tightly, we made a plan and sketched out our ideas.  Then we had to build our tables using newspaper, straws, sellotape and cardboard.  It was hard, especially when we realised time was running out!

Finally, we had to share our tables with the rest of the class.  Even though only two groups managed to make table that could stand up, there were lots of original ideas and we had loads of fun!