Thursday 3 April 2014


Today we had a Tech Challenge with Miss Simpson.  This is a TECHNOLOGY Challenge, which involves planning, creating/building/constructing, presenting and evaluating.  We had to work in groups to design a mini coffee table for Sonny! 

First we talked about how to be awesome group members:
·         share our ideas
·         listen to each other
·         take turns
·         compromise (join our ideas together)
·         make sure everyone has a job to do
·         don’t boss other people around
After learning how to roll paper really tightly, we made a plan and sketched out our ideas.  Then we had to build our tables using newspaper, straws, sellotape and cardboard.  It was hard, especially when we realised time was running out!

Finally, we had to share our tables with the rest of the class.  Even though only two groups managed to make table that could stand up, there were lots of original ideas and we had loads of fun!


  1. Wow! I'm suprized that some of the tables even stand up! That looks so hard. A big thanks to Miss Simpson for that amazing idea of getting Sunny to sit up at the table. Congradulations for the two teams that won!

  2. I am glad that my team (Jade, Cam, willow and me)got first equal with Aizs group.

  3. Everyone did a great job but some of them would not even stand up!

  4. Our table looked like the leaning tower of tables!

  5. It was way harder than i thought it would be and my groups (Holly, Anna and me) didnt turn out so well.
