Monday 5 May 2014


During maths today we showed Miss Campbell our measurement skills. We did a "starting point" test and also showed our measurement knowledge with a practical activity.
We had to estimate lengths of pieces of strings. We used connect blocks as our unit. We learnt to find the range of estimations from our group estimations. Later we measured the actual length of each string then converted how many blocks to how many centimeters long they were. We double checked by using our ruler. 
It was interesting to see all the different estimation. We can't wait to learn our measurement this term.

Written by Cameron


  1. Today, I learnt how to measure in centimetres from the blocks. These are the steps we did it in, first Miss Campbell set out the string in differant places, Miss Campbelll named them A,B,C,D and E. After that Miss Campbell drew up a grid and put us into groups, then we went to chose a piece of string and started to estimate. After that we calculated it up by our rulers and blocks.

  2. We were all feeling pretty stupid after we found out how different our estimations were! Some of them were about 20 blocks to long or short!
