Wednesday 13 August 2014

Competition gets the best out of us!

Competition is exciting!  In a competition you discover your very best ability and you can even surprise yourself.  We have celebrated the victories and surprises of the recent Commonwealth Games in Glasgow.  We have noticed the athletes' preparation, practice and performance, and we are very proud of them as the sporting ambassadors of our country!

We've watched their example and matched their role model to the wisdom we have been thinking about in our classroom.  What makes a great champion?  These role models aren't just remembered for their gold medals, but more so for their humility and good manners in their victory.

Here is the wise advice we would give to future Commonwealth Games and Olympic athletes who will represent our country:

When you lose:

Bear your disappointment with grace and respect.  The winner was the better player on the day.

Use your feelings to drive yourself to your next success.

Don't blame anyone else.  It won't change the result and only sours the occasion.

Don't give up!  Never say never!

Celebrate the game, not just the result.  Congratulate the winners.

Find your mistakes and fix them.  Perfect practice makes perfect!

People remember your good manners more than your failures.

When you win:

Don't put the opposition down.  There is nothing more to prove!

Congratulate the opposition.  Without them you wouldn't have reached your goal.

Friendships are more important than any opposition or competition.

Bragging only build yourself up at others' expense.

Bad manners destroys any competition.

Encourage the opposition to keep trying.  They are your biggest motivation to improve!

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