Thursday 14 August 2014


Statistics is about collecting data to find the TRUTH!  We are more confident now in graphing our data in different ways, but we have also found out about Microsoft Excel and the graphs we can make using this software.  Superb!  Here is a graph that was made by some of Room 4's awesome mathematicians.

Then we chose a mission for each group (which they chose to accept before it self-destructed!)
1]   Which supermarket is the most preferred?  We could prove we are their best customers and they might choose to support our school!

2]   What is the most preferred chocolate flavour?  This would help us maximise the chocolate fundraising for our school by not choosing flavours of chocolate that nobody wants (if there is such a flavour!)

3]   What is the most preferred fizzy flavour?   This will help us buy efficiently for the school disco!

Here are the results and our analysis:

(Note the chocolate 'bars'!)

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