Monday 18 August 2014


Wednesday saw the school Mathex competition put on my the students who represented our school in Manawatu Mathex this year, and Mrs Simpson.  It was tense, the teams very quick to realise that in order to win they had to work as a team under time pressure.  

The teams had to complete a few practical tasks, and then work together to solve a series of mathematical problems as quick as they could.  Eventually we found our Halcombe School Mathex Masters (The winning team) who all received a chocolate bar prize for their efforts.

Congratulations to the Mathex reps who conducted the occasion with the necessary formality!

Ash and Willow work with their team (Jack and Jasmine) to solve the problems.  (Obviously they were enjoying the challenge!)
Holly and Danielle are doing what they can to handle the pressure with their team mates.

Congratulations to Georgia and Ben who were part of the winning team!  Keep working at those maths challenges, everyone.  You might be our school representatives next year!

1 comment:

  1. They were hard activities! My group didn't win anything but at least we tried! Well done to those groups who did win anything, you deserved it!

    By Jade Hall
