Friday 9 August 2013



Interesting/ Ideas
·         Since we know how to use them properly, next time we will know exactly what to do
·         Now that we know the rules we can borrow the Room 7 Ipads some time
·         You get to use ‘active voices’
·         Ipads are similar to computers so they are easy to use
·         We got to try out new games
·         We made animations and entertainment shows
·         We all laughed, worked together and had fun!
·         We weren’t use to using them so we had to ask Mrs Lynch to help us
·         We are not allowed to keep them
·         Sometimes the screens go blank and you have to wait 10 seconds
·         Not everyone got a turn at using both of the apps but we all got a turn on an Ipad
·         If we broke an Ipad Mrs Lynch would dig a hole and put us in it
·         How the Puppet Pals app works
·         If the screen goes blank I now know how to get back to what I am looking for
·         How does the screen know to follow my finger?
·         It is surprising to find out all the interesting things you can do with an Ipad
·         It was interesting how different apps work
·         You had to work together to work the maths app

1 comment:

  1. Wow! It looks as though you all had a lot of fun. Puppet Pals is a great app. I use this with my class at Lytton Street school.
