Wednesday 7 August 2013

Marble Rolling Tech Challenge

Our task was to make a ramp that we could roll a marble down!  We turned the challenge into a competition - the team that could roll the marble the furthest would win!  First we talked about how to be great group members.  Then we made a plan - we talked about our ideas and drew sketches.  Here are some photos of us planning our ramps:

Then, using newspaper, straws, sellotape and wool, we constructed our ramps.  With a 40 minute time limit, the pressure was on - it was hard!  Here are some photos of us constructing our ramps:

Congratulations to Greer, Jensen and Hamish - the winning team!

Here are our thoughts:

  • The best part was when my team won and it was worth all the hard work - Hamish
  • I am proud, we came second by only half a centimetre! - Willow
  • Next time I will try to make the legs stronger and the ramp a bit higher - Sophie
  • Unfortunately our ramp failed and I think it's because our team did not show good teamwork - Tahu
  • If our ramp was bigger, the marble would have rolled further - Jessica
  • I am so happy because we did not have an epic fail - Logan
  • I would change the ramp and make it longer next time - Heath
  • Next time we will try to build the legs stronger - Lucas
  • I am so happy because my team won! - Jensen
  • We should have worked together as a team - William
  • I wish we built a stronger tunnel - Leah
  • Unfortunately Group 1 had an epic fail - Cameron
  • I'm so happy because our ramp was really good - Logan
  • Next time I will make sure we have enough sellotape - Azi
  • My team and I tried our best - Levi
  • I was gutted when we came second by half a centimetre! - Tyler
  • Next time I will try to build a stronger ramp - Emma
  • I was happy that we tried our best and came first - Greer
  • Our team could have worked together a lot better - Jason

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