Tuesday 12 November 2013


1. Is is true when the poet says his name is his only? What do you think he means?
2. What is the human electricity that the poet talks about in the fourth verse?
3. Why is hearing his name "a terror" in the fifth verse?
4. Who do you think is calling the poet in the fifth verse?
5. How does the poet react when his names gets called in a whisper? Why?
6. Explain why the poet thinks his name is magic.


  1. 1. I think that it is true that his name is his only, because he means his personality is his only.

  2. 1. It is true because some people might have the same name but he might have a different personality.
    2. When his name gets called he always turns to find the person who wants him it is like a phone.
    3. When someone calls his name they might be angry and he might think it is a terror.
    4. His teacher because she might have herd that he was not playing nice.
    5. He fells happy because he fells a touch of loving felling.
    6. Because he might think that because he thinks it is unique to him.

  3. 2. The human electricity he talks about is his awareness.
    3. His name is a terror because it could mean that he’s in trouble.
    4. I think that it is his teacher that is calling his name.
    5. The poet reacts happily because he has been touched by a nice voice.
    6. He thinks his name is magic because nobody can see it until he tells them. When he tells someone his name it is suddenly visible to that person.

  4. 1. Is it true when the poet says his name is his only? What do you think he means?
    I think it is true because someone else might have the same name but no one has the same personality.
    2. What is the human electricity that the poet talks about in the fourth verse?
    I think it is when someone calls your name you automatically turn around to figure out who called your name.
    3. Why is hearing his name "a terror" in the fifth verse?
    When he is doing something he shouldn’t be doing he fells scared/terror. Because he knows that he is going to get in trouble.
    4. Who do you think is calling the poet in the fifth verse?
    I think it is the teacher that is blurting out his name in class.
    5. How does the poet react when his names gets called in a whisper? Why?
    He reacts happy because he feels a loving touch. He feels a loving touch because he knows no one is mad at him, but really happy.
    6. Explain why the poet thinks his name is magic.
    I think the poet says his name is magic because no one else has the same personality as him and it like his very own name tag.

  5. 13TH November

    1 no he isn’t the only name like that if his name was bob there is heaps of bobs but he thinks that it is his name only

    2 It means that when his name gets called he answers to it like a machine.

    3 Because if he gets called in class it could be for something bad.

    4 The teacher coming to tell him off.

    5 In a loving voice because it could be his mum calling for him.

    6 Because it is his name and you can’t see it on him and he thinks it is his only well he thinks any way.

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  7. 1. Is it true when the poet says his name is his only? What do you think he means?

    I think it is true because someone might have the same name but not the same personality.

    2. What is the human electricity that the poet talks about
    in the fourth verse?

    It is when his mind has been awakened.

    3. Why is hearing his name "a terror" in the fifth verse?

    Because maybe the character doesn’t want anyone to know his name.
    4. Who do you think is calling the poet in the fifth verse?

    Maybe some of his family members.

    5. How does the poet react when his names gets called in a

    whisper? He would have no reaction because he wouldn’t be able to hear it.

    Because his mind get switched on when he hears it.

    6. Explain why the poet thinks his name is magic.
    Because it is magic to him.

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  9. 1. He means that his name is his only and that his personality is different than everyone else.

    2. It is that when someone calls him he switches on to the caller and listens.

    3. Because someone is angry at him.

    4. The teacher

    5. Because he has been touched by a loving voice.

    6. Because it is his name and his only.

  10. 1. I think it means even if someone has the same name, no one reacts or has the same personality to that one person with the name. Also the poet is trying to put the main point in the readers head. It also means he thinks his name is special to him and nobody can steal his name from him.

  11. 2. It means when he has being called he jumps up really fast and he is relating that to electricity which is a fast source of speed and he would react if he has been called.

    3. He might be feeling that some one is mad at him and he thinks he is getting told off and it the poem he is talking about his name.

    4. It might be his Mum calling him in a plesent voice or his teacher calling him in a grumpy voice telling him off.

    5.He reacted with a loving touch wich means he admires that the person who said that said it in a nice way and it is nice to be called in a nice way.
    6. Because he is loyal for that name and it is only his and he admires having that name and everyone calls him that name also everyone knows him for that sertain name.

  12. 15th November
    1. is true when the poet says his name is his only? What do you think he means? He means he is unique.

    2. What is the human electricity that the poet talks about in the fourth verse? It’s a bit like super-fast broad band were you automatically respond.

    3. Why is hearing his name "a terror" in the fifth verse? Somebody is saying his name as if they are angry.

    4. Who do you think is calling the poet in the fifth verse?
    Maybe somebody calls him to play and they wouldn’t they would stop otherwise.

    5. How does the poet react when his names gets called in a whisper? Why? He feels calm because he has been called softly instead of loudly.

    6. Explain why the poet thinks his name is magic. Because there is hundreds of people but he is unique with his name.


  13. 1. Yes, I think it’s true. There will be lots of other kids with his name as well but they would not have the same personality as him.

    2. The poet means that as soon as the boy here’s his name being called, he reacts fastly to his name.

    3. Hearing his name is a terror because he might be in trouble or going to get too tolled off.

    4. 4. I think it might be his teacher calling him.

    5. 5. The boy is happy when his name is called in a whisper because it’s in a nice tone.

    6. His name is magic because he admires his own name and it’s his name only.

  14. 1. I think he means there’s no one else with the same personality as him and also that no one else has all of the same names as him.

    2. I think it means when people call him it makes him responded as fast as electricity and he recognizes the voice that’s calling him which makes him wide awake.

    3. Maybe because his friend and him start trying to communicate to each other and the teacher is cross because they are talking in class and the teacher gets into a terror when she gets angry and it was a bad time to talk.

    4. I think it’s his friend that keeps calling him because it said it was blurted out in the playground and his friend might want to play with him.

    5. I think it gets called in a whisper because they are in class and someone really wants to tell him something because it’s urgent they think. I also think the poet’s reaction was him wanting to know who’s calling him.

    6. Because names are very valuable and special, also everyone has one and he thinks names should be magic because he is thankful that we do have names
