Thursday 27 June 2013


This morning we had a special visit from Jon and Natalia the geologists from Massey University. They taught us lots about volcanoes and earthquakes. We are so excited to get stuck into our science learning after having them tell us about their experiences and sharing their knowledge. 

Things we learnt about included:

-The different types of eruptions like a Caldera

-That the rocks that come from the volcanoes can tell us what type of eruption it was

-A lahar is the overflow of liquid (water) and rock just like wet concrete. It is like an overflow of a bath. These can be very dangerous.

- There are many more volcanoes in New Zealand than we expected

-Volcanoes helped shape New Zealand. For example, the Taranaki eruption shaped the West coast peak

We were so lucky to have an expert to learn from!


  1. I hope you enjoyed listening to our special visitors Room 4 - I know I did! I learnt so many interesting things about volcanoes. I definitely hope I never have to face a pyroclastic cloud!

  2. I really enjoyed having two experts to learn from, I learnt so much. I learnt that volcanoes helped shap New Zealand, and that the rocks from volcanoes can tell us what type of eruption it was.
