Monday 24 June 2013


Straight after lunch we assembled on the field. No one told us what was going on. We got a big surprise when a helicopter landed on our school field. It was a rescue helicopter.
When it was landing we sat nervously as many of us thought it was coming to land on us! 

During the student council events Halcombe School has been fundraising for the rescue helicopter fund. Alexander from Room 6 presented the money and gave a short speech.
The men answered many questions we had. We learnt the government provides half of the money needed to operate the rescue helicopter, while the community contributes the rest of the money.

Once we had finished asking questions we walked around the helicopter and had a closer look.


  1. WOW! This helicopter is a real rescue helicopter!
    I learnt that the rescue helicopter safes people.Thanks for popping in rescue people I really enjoyed it

  2. This was such a wonderful learning opportunity for you all. Jessica's brother Brett had to use the rescue helicopter when he was 3 years old. They were fantastic, although I didn't like flying, it made me really sick!
