Sunday 9 June 2013


Room 4 had a reading challenge. We all made goals to be committed to our novel by reading every night for a certain amount of time.
We set times when we would read at home and then recorded the times and pages that we read in our Kit Book reading log.
Cameron- From now on I am going to try and read half an hour a night instead of watching tv programmes
Ella- I achieved my goal by reading my chapter book every night
Azi- I read my novel on the bus
Tahu- Now I feel more comfortable at reading
Emma- I read every night and it came to a total of a hundred minutes
Jensen- I achieved my goal by reading 1-3 hours a day for a total of 6 days
Jessica- I got really committed to my chapter book because I remember what I was reading because I was reading it all the time
Because we are all trying so hard to get into fantastic home reading routines and being committed to our novels we had “Milo and Novel” sharing time. We shared our favourite parts of our books while enjoying a steamy hot milo.
We are going to keep up our hard work and keep committed to our reading!



  1. What a tasty reward for you all. Keep up the fantastic reading Room 4.

  2. It's great to hear you have been working so hard on your reading Room 4! Most of the kids in Room 6 love reading too. Keep up the great work!
