Monday 17 June 2013


Today Room 4 were given social scenarios that they discussed in their peers and respond to.
Respond to the last two scenaries by posting on this post.

 Scenario: You and your mates love playing rugby on the field at lunch. Sometimes they say that you are a stink tackler and this hurts your feelings. You want to be a better tackler. What could you do?

Your responses:
-          Say to them “how would you feel if I said that to you?”

-          Say in a big voice “Stop saying that. I don’t like it!”

-          Stand up for yourself

-          Take a ball home to practice with

-          Ask your coach for some rugby tricks to practice with your family

Scenario: The teacher gives a lot of instructions at the beginning of the day. Josh, who sits next to you, often whispers to you during this time and sometimes you can’t hear the instructions. What could you do?
Your responses:

-          Say “Please stop that”

-          Say “I need to listen to the teacher”

-          Say “Please stop, I’m listening to the teacher”

-          Tell him to be quite

-          Say “Please stop or I will have to tell the teacher and you’ll have to be moved”

Blog scenario 1:
You have lots of friends. Sarah says you should stop being friends with Grace. What could you do?

Blog scenario 2:
You are showing your cousin Room 4’s blog. He sometimes thinks he is really ‘cool’ and tonight is one of those times. He starts typing an inappropriate comment on a post. What could you do?




  1. I enjoy being friends with everyone so you can't stop me from doing what I think is the right thing. what has made you up set with her?

    1. I hope if you were put in this position you would react in this way. Great thinking S!

  2. Scenario 1
    I think that the person that was friends with Grace should keep being friends with her , Sarah needs to mind her own business. Also Sarah does not have the right to tell the person who her friends are. She has her own brain and she can make her own choices. She could stick up for herself and say "I will decide who
    I am friends with besides two friends are always better than one. You and Grace can both be my friends!

    1. I love your opinion Emma! Especially the part about having her own brain so she can make her own choices. What a wise response ka pai!

    2. Great opinion Emma! Your right she does need to mind her own business and she does have her own brain so she has to worry about herself and not try and get people to not be friends!

  3. Scenario 1:
    I think you should say to Sarah in a firm tone "I choose who I want to be friends with." Then tell her that she should make her own choices and not mine.

    Scenario 2:
    I think you should tell your cousin that the post will be deleted by Miss Campbell. I would say "I am very proud of Room 4s blog, so please do not trash it."

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. Try our hardst dont give up on your self.

  6. Schenario 1

    Tell her to keep her opinion to herself and mine her own business.

  7. Scenario 1: Say don't say that, because it will hurt her feeling.
