Thursday 25 September 2014


Room 4 were lucky enough to borrow some of the junior Ipads this morning. In groups we were given a topic to talk about on Puppet Pal.
It was difficult to talk about a topic with only 10 seconds to prepare. It was great fun and by using Puppet Pal we had to think on the stop.


Today we enjoyed hot dog and spider day!

Thank you so much to the student council for making this possible. Lucky there weren't real spiders in the spider drinks. PHEW!

Tuesday 23 September 2014


Now we need to find all these countries and their capitals on the class globe!

Blog post made by Holly and Emma

Wednesday 17 September 2014


On Tuesday Room 4 were lucky enough to take part in Room 6's Service Day. This was a morning for the students in Room 6 to teach others a certain skill.

Each group has designed a blog post to explain what they did and learnt below. 


For service morning we went to Room 5 to use ‘Graffiti Creator”. Thank you Room 6 students for teaching us! Here is a PMI (Positive, Minus and Interesting) about our experience. 
Ben and Kai

It was great making up our own style of writing and colour.
Our leaders showed us what to do and how to do it.
We learn that graffiti can be done on computers not just with spray paint on walls.
We had fun and were able to be creative.
Now we can teach the class to use the graffiti website.
Are group wasted a lot of time waiting for the website to load instead of trying Google.
We didn’t have enough time to do a whole page of examples.
It was interesting how you can write what you want and graffiti it.
Also It was interesting how you can choose different fonts.
Another thing that was interesting is how quickly people learnt.


On the 16th of September 2014, the seniors did services and the drama group went into the hall to start the fun! The kids who were running it called it the DJA Drama Queen’s group because Danielle, Jasmine and Ashley were running it. First we played ‘Wobbly Jelly’ which helps you not to laugh, and then we played ‘Grandma’s Smelly Undies’ which helps you do the same. Then we started actually acting! Firstly we went into groups of two, and we did our ‘teachers’ written script play. Secondly we got to write our own scripts and performed in front of the room 6 kids. Lastly we saw Jasmine, Danielle and Ashley’s performance.         
We learnt different facial expressions and not to face our back to the audience. Also we learnt how to mime properly and make comedy scripts that would make others laugh out loud!
We had all participate and work together to write our own scripts. We needed to combine our own ideas together when everyone had different ideas to write about. We were great team members because we encouraged others to have a go. We also followed the rules and had a positive attitude even when we didn’t get our way.

Blog post by Jade, Aaliyah, and Regan.


Cooking On Services Day
Yellow Hat-Good Points
We had lots of good fun in the kitchen.  We had some mix-ups, but after we had finished we ate the bacon and egg cups, all our hard work paid off. Thanks, Jorja and Olivia!

Red Hat-Feelings
Sometimes were in a bit of distress.  For example, when one of the bacon and egg cups was cooking, it overflowed!
We were all excited to make the yoyo’s we had to put some custard powder into the mixture. When the bell went we were a bit stressed and we thought that the bacon and egg cups would burn in the oven.
We were all in suspense as we had to wait a long time before the yo-yo biscuits were finished. We thought they had burnt!

Black Hat-Negatives
Sometimes we were a bit sad when we thought that the yo-yo biscuits had burnt.
We also thought that we didn’t have enough time to finish.

But overall, we had a great time!

Blog Post made by Jessie, Alyssa and Cameron


Blog post made by Heather, Zoe and Seth


On Tuesday the senior team at Halcombe School had a Service Expo. The event included a range of activities, one of which was play dough sculpting. We had a group of six all from Room 4 in our group. There were two different stations, one for five minute challenges and one for sculpting animals such as: penguins, octopuses and starfish.  Everybody made a penguin and at the end we got to make a free choice sculpture. We have developed a range of skills such as shaping, using tools and different textures. Our favourite station was making the penguin sculptures. We found this service challenging but also a lot of fun!   

Blog post made by Emma, Willow, Georgia, Anna, Azriella and Fritha.


We did chess. This was good because we could know more about strategies in a game. For example some of the strategies were: the ender man pass and what all the pieces can do. Blair and Blake played against Mataora. After that we played a fun game which involves getting chess piece into the bucket. One or five lollies were the prizes. Thanks Room 6 for teaching us about chess.

Blog post made by Blake and Mataora


Blog post made by Grace, Bo and Danielle


Our class was called Lego animation. Our leaders were Joshua and Darian. We learnt how to use movie maker and put music onto your movie. We also learnt how to cooperate with different people in the senior team. 

Yellow Hat thinking:
Both of us really enjoyed deciding what we were kind of movie we were going to do and how we were going to do it as a group. After we had decided what we were doing which was war, we moved the Lego pieces back and forth which was our 2nd favourite thing.

Black Hat thinking:
Our “teachers” could improve on giving everyone a variety of jobs. For example, only the “teachers” took the photos and we only got to move the Lego and the “teachers” got to choose the music even if the children didn’t like it and the big kids did like they would still pick it.

Blog post made by Tommy and Ash

Tuesday 16 September 2014


We did a handwriting sample to show how much we have improved. Before Miss Campbell commented on our handwriting we were our own judges! We used a rubric to assess our piece of writing with a buddy and compared it to previous samples. We are all very happy with our improvements and can set new goals to achieve.

Here is Georgia's self assessment:

Emma got excited to see her improvements!

Monday 8 September 2014


I am back and excited to see you all on Wednesday!

I can't wait to hear about all the fun times you have had with Mr Tongs. I think you will be very excited about the new topic we will be focusing on. I sure am!

See you soon

Miss Campbell

Wednesday 3 September 2014


Room 4 are using explanations to help us and others understand things a little better.  Here's one of our first attempts from Grace and Jade:

Why Do You Use A Knife And Fork When You Eat?

Kids always want to eat with their fingers and get all messy, but why should they eat with knives and forks? 

People eat with knives and forks because otherwise your hands get all mucky. For example you’re about to have tea and once you have finished eating, your hands are all dirty, so you have to wash them all over again!

Here are some reasons:
  • ·       You use knives and forks so that you don’t get things like sauce and meat all over your hands.
  • ·       You use them so if you have meat that’s not cooked properly, you won’t get a bug. (e.g. chicken)

With some other foods like fish and chips you don’t have to use knives and forks because it is finger food (food made to eat with your fingers).
You don’t really want to be known as a PIG… OR DO YOU?

This is why you need to eat with a knife and fork.

By Grace and Jade.

(Great job you two!)


It has been confirmed.  The Senior team, including Room 4, will be singing in harmony at this week's school assembly!  Brace yourselves...


Congratulations to Danielle and Cameron who both successfully hosted our Halcombe School Assembly last week.  Especially when there were so many parents attending due to the Gymnastics display beforehand.

Room 4 proudly presented their 'optical illusion' art, describing the process and techniques used to create the 3D effect.

Thanks to all the parents who attended and supported our Room 4 crew!


Over the last three weeks, we have been designing, marking in, blocking in with pastels and mounting a piece of art that has excited us all.

We've discovered our curved lines can create a 3D effect when a shaded effect is added.  We hope you enjoy our end results!


Room 4 contributed a very tidy display of gymnastics skills for the rest of the school and parents on Friday.   Floor sequences, beam work, vaulting, trampolining, and bar work were all part of the display.

Bo and Regan were recognised for the big improvements they had made in their skills over the last 6 weeks. That is not to say that everyone else didn't deserve an award, but I was only allowed to give two out!

I really enjoyed watching your confident skills, Room 4.  Well done!

Tuesday 2 September 2014


Today, we worked to present our first rhythmic compositions, using both clapping and percussion instruments.  Nearly everyone has become an expert in reading lots of different notation patterns, but it is even more challenging when you have a conductor telling you to play loud or soft (as we also discovered today!)  Here's Cameron as our first novice conductor!

Still, we have made the first step, and the following videos were collected of our efforts.  Fabulous to see groups who were able to play perfectly as a team!  Prime future orchestral candidates!

Finally we combined all our five group items into one single orchestral performance.  Thanks to Seth and his efforts at trying to cover all the action!

Great job, Room 4.  We can tell you are excited by your lastest team achievement!


Over the last 3 weeks, Room 4 and some Room 3 guests have been exploring the amazing uses of fractions.  We have become familiar with the way fractions are used in problem solving, and some of us are even giving percentages and decimal equivalents for their solutions.  We have created a small poster each showing one thing about fractions that make them so cool to work with.

Here are a couple of examples.  Well done, team!
Seth shows the way different fraction amounts can be counted on a number line.
Holly T displays different ways of showing fractional numbers, using percentages and decimal numbers.  
Azi illustrates different forms of fractions (mixed fractions) and the differences between proportions of pizza!
Anna's poster looks at the same concept but with different way of presenting her examples.  It looks amazing in real life.  (The photo doesn't do it justice, really)  It looks cool!
Willow did a great job of showing us what percentages are really about and the different ways they are shown.

Nice job, guys.  They look good on our classroom wall too!