Wednesday 17 September 2014


For service morning we went to Room 5 to use ‘Graffiti Creator”. Thank you Room 6 students for teaching us! Here is a PMI (Positive, Minus and Interesting) about our experience. 
Ben and Kai

It was great making up our own style of writing and colour.
Our leaders showed us what to do and how to do it.
We learn that graffiti can be done on computers not just with spray paint on walls.
We had fun and were able to be creative.
Now we can teach the class to use the graffiti website.
Are group wasted a lot of time waiting for the website to load instead of trying Google.
We didn’t have enough time to do a whole page of examples.
It was interesting how you can write what you want and graffiti it.
Also It was interesting how you can choose different fonts.
Another thing that was interesting is how quickly people learnt.

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