Wednesday 17 September 2014


On the 16th of September 2014, the seniors did services and the drama group went into the hall to start the fun! The kids who were running it called it the DJA Drama Queen’s group because Danielle, Jasmine and Ashley were running it. First we played ‘Wobbly Jelly’ which helps you not to laugh, and then we played ‘Grandma’s Smelly Undies’ which helps you do the same. Then we started actually acting! Firstly we went into groups of two, and we did our ‘teachers’ written script play. Secondly we got to write our own scripts and performed in front of the room 6 kids. Lastly we saw Jasmine, Danielle and Ashley’s performance.         
We learnt different facial expressions and not to face our back to the audience. Also we learnt how to mime properly and make comedy scripts that would make others laugh out loud!
We had all participate and work together to write our own scripts. We needed to combine our own ideas together when everyone had different ideas to write about. We were great team members because we encouraged others to have a go. We also followed the rules and had a positive attitude even when we didn’t get our way.

Blog post by Jade, Aaliyah, and Regan.


  1. Wow Jade, Aaliyah, and Regan! Looks like drama was so fun on services day! Hope you had a brilliant time!

  2. Sounds fun Regan, Jade and Aaliyah!
