Wednesday 3 September 2014


Room 4 are using explanations to help us and others understand things a little better.  Here's one of our first attempts from Grace and Jade:

Why Do You Use A Knife And Fork When You Eat?

Kids always want to eat with their fingers and get all messy, but why should they eat with knives and forks? 

People eat with knives and forks because otherwise your hands get all mucky. For example you’re about to have tea and once you have finished eating, your hands are all dirty, so you have to wash them all over again!

Here are some reasons:
  • ·       You use knives and forks so that you don’t get things like sauce and meat all over your hands.
  • ·       You use them so if you have meat that’s not cooked properly, you won’t get a bug. (e.g. chicken)

With some other foods like fish and chips you don’t have to use knives and forks because it is finger food (food made to eat with your fingers).
You don’t really want to be known as a PIG… OR DO YOU?

This is why you need to eat with a knife and fork.

By Grace and Jade.

(Great job you two!)


  1. Great job Jade and Grace I can already imagine you writing famous books in the future! Well done!

  2. Wow! Nice you two. Your reasons and examples are very clear and detailed.
    Well I know I don't want to be a pig!

  3. Great writing girls! I used this topic with my class too. Keep up the great work!

  4. It took a lot of hard work for Grace and I to write this WONDERFUL story! I hope you all enjoyed reading our story.
    Like it said in our story... 'You don't want to be a pig OR DO YOU?
