Tuesday 2 September 2014


Today, we worked to present our first rhythmic compositions, using both clapping and percussion instruments.  Nearly everyone has become an expert in reading lots of different notation patterns, but it is even more challenging when you have a conductor telling you to play loud or soft (as we also discovered today!)  Here's Cameron as our first novice conductor!

Still, we have made the first step, and the following videos were collected of our efforts.  Fabulous to see groups who were able to play perfectly as a team!  Prime future orchestral candidates!

Finally we combined all our five group items into one single orchestral performance.  Thanks to Seth and his efforts at trying to cover all the action!

Great job, Room 4.  We can tell you are excited by your lastest team achievement!

1 comment:

  1. Great work Cameron for conducting the whole class to make that beatiful music!
