Tuesday 2 September 2014


Over the last 3 weeks, Room 4 and some Room 3 guests have been exploring the amazing uses of fractions.  We have become familiar with the way fractions are used in problem solving, and some of us are even giving percentages and decimal equivalents for their solutions.  We have created a small poster each showing one thing about fractions that make them so cool to work with.

Here are a couple of examples.  Well done, team!
Seth shows the way different fraction amounts can be counted on a number line.
Holly T displays different ways of showing fractional numbers, using percentages and decimal numbers.  
Azi illustrates different forms of fractions (mixed fractions) and the differences between proportions of pizza!
Anna's poster looks at the same concept but with different way of presenting her examples.  It looks amazing in real life.  (The photo doesn't do it justice, really)  It looks cool!
Willow did a great job of showing us what percentages are really about and the different ways they are shown.

Nice job, guys.  They look good on our classroom wall too!

1 comment:

  1. Good work room 4 for the posters! I agree with Mr Tongs they do look good on our wall.
