Friday 31 October 2014


On Thursday morning at 9am Clayton, a local milk expert who worked at Fonterra, came to help us learn! Once Clayton introduced himself and answered our questions we made butter.

To make butter we used one litre of fresh cream (red top) and a pinch of salt. We used a hand mixer and blended it until it turned into cream then finally butter. We saw the water from the milk separate and the texture change. We all tasted it and rolled it in our mouths to make it more of a butter texture. 

Here are some of the things we learnt written by Anna and Heather: 
·         Milk has a substance in it that is used to make plastic buttons.
·         300,000,000 litres of milk go through Fonterra every day.
·         All old milk bottles had a silver top.
·         Cow’s milk is most like humans milk.
·         Butter in NZ is yellow because we feed our cattle grass, other countries have white butter because they feed cattle grain.
·         There is mould on Camembert cheese.
·         It is fat that makes chocolate smooth
·         Fat helps brain development.
·         There are good and bad bacteria.
·         There is water in milk.


  1. It was such a surprise to me that some kind of plastic buttons contain milk! Another surprising fact is that chocolate is nearly 100% fat, because cream is basically fat and chocolate is approximately 73% cream!

  2. We agree with Azi but, chcoclate isn't bad for you! Helps with your memory!
