Thursday 23 October 2014


Our reading group has been reading an article called ‘Why We Drink Milk’ written by Suzanne Havala Hobbs to help us write our exposition about the importance of drinking milk.

We are really good readers but we had to work extremely hard to clarify some words and get a clear understanding of what some parts of the article meant.
Words we had to explore further:
·      Osteoporosis
·         Dietary
·         Perpetuated
·         Porous
·         Brittle
·         Nutritionists

 GROUP TASK: explain what one or more of these words means in your own words by COMMENTING BELOW
Here are the reasons for drinking milk which we found in this one article
Ø To prevent osteoporosis
Ø Doctors and professionals recommend milk to help say healthy
Ø Milk is a great source of Calcium
Ø Milk has the minerals and vitamins that you need

Blog post by Anna and Jessie.


  1. Osteoporosis: a condition where you cannot consume calcium and your bones become porous (with holes in them) and brittle, which allows them to snap easily.

  2. There were very many words that troubled us all, but in the end we found out all the definitions of the words we did not know, it was very interesting to find out the real meanings. There was so many reasons why people should drink milk, so now I want to start drinking milk, the reasons were there but sometimes we had to find the definitions but it was still awesome finding out about we people should drink milk.

  3. Osteoporosis- Means when you don't drink enough milk, you won't get enough calcium so your bones will go brittle, then when you do start to drink milk your bones will not be able to hold all the calcium it needs so your bones will become brittle and porous, so this is what will happen if you get the disease osteoporosis, which is a bone disease.

  4. All these were quite hard but they all came to a conclusion. And by conclusion, I mean the definition. There were lots of other words, and there were so many that I thought I was drowning in a word bay! Osteoporosis is a disease that involves having not much calcium or having too much calcium that your body cannot hold onto. Your bones get really porous (which means have holes in and become really brittle, which means break easily) and they become extremely brittle. There are also lots of reasons of why you should drink milk, but there's always one that will be the best. There's calcium in it !

  5. Osteoporposis- You get this condition if you think that you no longer need milk. If you make this mistake then it will be fatal.This word means that you get a type of condition where your bones become porus which means you get holes in your bones and it allows your bones to snap as easily as a twig even at the slightest fall.

  6. I know what nutritionists means! It means: people who study nutrition and think of ways to get more nutrition!
