Monday 13 October 2014

Cross Country Training

Cross Country training has begun!
Today we got out on the gravel road and did our best for our first training afternoon. There was panting, puffing, sweat but thank goodness no tears. Well done everyone for your first try. Now that we have got a good feel for running again, it is time to set some goals and steps to achieve them.
Here are some prompts to start you thinking:
- At what point do I want to stop and walk? Is there any reason why?
- Do I run with anyone? Does that person help or hinder my running success?
- Do I want to get a certain place on race day?
- What does 'mental toughness' mean in connection to running?
- What does it mean by 'a consistent, steady pace'? 
- What do I think of when running? What can I think of when running to help me?

Here are a few of our goals:
·         Holly’s goal is to come in the first three and keep a steady pace.
·         Willow’s goal is to keep occupied so that she doesn't stop by keeping to a beat with her steps.
·        Cameron’s goal is to keep a steady, consistent pace the whole time.
·        Ash’s goal is to never stop at the hill.


  1. Try your best on the real cross country room4!

  2. That seems like interesting goals Room 4 I hope that you do acheive them.

  3. I hope you achive your goals room4
