Monday 13 October 2014


These activities are for ALL Room 4 children to present on Pet Day (29th of October).

Prior to Pet Day, children are to create an animal using recycled materials and take a photo of a rural scene. There will be two class sessions where the children can create their animal once they have collected materials that they need. Please note that the animal maybe created at home.

Task 1:
You must design / build / create / construct an animal using only recycled materials
Possible materials include:
· cardboard tubes, milk bottle tops, plastic, cans, tins, old gardening tools etc. 

Task 2:
Take a creative photograph of a rural scene
· The photograph needs to be able to be sent to
· Alternatively, children can use the class camera at school
· The photo needs to be received by Miss Campbell by Friday 24th October for printing and backing

Any questions … ASK. Have fun creating for Pet Day.
Good luck!


  1. That looks fun to make, I wish I could make it.

  2. I cant wat to make my animal
