Monday 20 October 2014


As well as normal group teaching in maths, we have been signing up for workshops. We do this because we don’t quite understand something or  we’re nearly there but we need more help.
If our maintenance score is lower than 6\10  that means we need to attend a workshop. If we feel we might pick up some extra tips on that area we will come along too.
Room 4 Maths class, have you signed up for “Grouping with Remainders” and “How many?” for this week yet? Make your decisions and sign up now

Blog posted by Kai, Emma and Fritha


  1. The workshops are really helping improve our maths skills. It is helping us improve in all the different areas of maths.

  2. Workshops are helping improve our understanding of maths equations and numbers. Improving in maths is vital because when we are older and have to live without our parents who will not pay for your mortgage like they did when you lived with them, you would have to count up how much many you need from your pay to pay your mortgage and tax.
