Wednesday 12 November 2014

Anna's Home Cheese Learning

On Monday I bought some home-made cheese into school! The cheese was mozzarella, the cheese that was originally made from buffalo milk and goes on pizzas.  It was a little white ball when it was bought in, but it certainly wasn't like that at the start! Here is the method for making mozzarella:
1.       My mum and I had to pasteurize the four litres of milk. We couldn't buy milk from the supermarket all pasteurized and homogenised, because it needed to be un-homogenised. To pasteurize milk, you need to bring it up to 72 degrees Celsius for 15 seconds, the cool it down to under 32 degrees Celsius.
2.       Once the milk was the right temperature, we added 2 millilitres of calcium chloride.
3.       Then we left it to curdle for 30 minutes,
4.       The effect of the calcium chloride was very odd! It still looked the same, but if you poked it, it was solid, the same sort of texture as dairy food. So with the milk being solid, we were ready to cut it. We had to cut it vertically, horizontally and diagonally through it. The smaller the pieces of curd, the better.
5.        Now we formed a double boiler with a pot and the bucket we had used for curdling the cheese, and bought the cheese up to 70 degrees for 5 minutes.
6.       Now we poured the curd into the butter muslin lined colander that we had prepared for 20 minutes.
7.       In those 20 minutes, prepare a pot of 90 degree water and a bowl of ice-water.
8.       Put rubber gloves on, and, being very careful, plunge a handful of curd into your hot water for 20 seconds.
9.       Now stretch and squeeze your mozzarella until it starts to go cold. By this time it is ready to go in the ice-water. Repeat this process until you have used up all your curd.
10.   Leave the cheese in the ice water for 20 minutes. You have made mozzarella.

The left over milk went to making ricotta and ricotta salata. The mozzarella and ricotta went on pizzas once they were done, but ricotta salata must be aged for weeks! Maybe room 4 will make cheese together someday.

Blog Post created completely by Anna


  1. It looks like you like cooking and the pizza looks really yum.

  2. MMM just looking at that pizza makes me hungry! Great work Anna I'm sure you enjoyed it.

  3. It looks like you spent lots of time making the pizza and cheese. You’re going to be the next Gordon Ramsay! That pizza looks so delicious. Just looking at it makes me so hungry. Good Work!

  4. Anna, you have really been working hard on that ricotta solatta, haven't you! That will really taste so good! I wonder how long it will take to make it! Did you know some cheeses have to age for 10 years? Pretty strange, isn't it!

  5. MMM did you know already how to make mozzarella cheese because it sounds really tricky? Anyway, wow it would of taken a long time to make the cheese. I am going to make some of this cheese at home and sprinkle it on top of my pizza that i will make as well.

  6. Cheese is a great source of milk and calcium, and you can use it as a toping for any thing! Anna its awesome that you are trying to make home made cheese with your family, its a great way to have family time together and its yummy to most people.

  7. Yummy! That mozzarella looks yum! I will make mozzarella when I get home. Give me that pizza! Why couldn't you have invited me.

  8. MMMM that look so good Anna you would of had to take so time to make the pizzas
