Thursday 13 November 2014


What happened to the 19-day-over-its-expiry-date full fat milk?

The milk bottle was tight and had expanded. The bottle had a little slit in the side from all the pressure inside.
Once we opened the bottle we poured out the contents of the bottle. The milk had completely separated into what looked like water and cottage cheese (liquid and solid). This was curds and whey. The curds were chunky and kind of looked like a mix between the butter that Clayton made and scrambled eggs. If this was a skim type of milk the result would vary. The consistency of the milk wouldn't be so chunky due to having more water and less fat.

The fully expired milk turned to curds and whey because the bad bacteria in milk had multiplied. The bacteria caused not only the milk to curdle but also to make it smell vile!

We have been learning about milk. This full fat milk (silver top) has gone off. It is 19 days off. YUCK!- Blake, Bo and Grace


  1. It did not smell nice at all.

  2. YUCK! That milk must not have tasted nice! :P

  3. Yuck! It didn't smell good. It kind of looked like curds and whey, but not the good curds and whey, the expired curds and whey. No wonder when we did the plays 'Little Miss Muffet' didn't like the curds and whey. Just by the look of that expired milk, I knew it wouldn't taste good. Just YUCK (But it was nice to see the expired milk).

  4. I totally agree that the bacteria made it smell vile. Maybe we should find out what bacteria make it go off. I wonder what would happen if the milk was older? Would there be more curds and less whey, or the other way around? It would be fascinating to find out. Do you think the milk's enviroment impacted it? Maybe it would go off quicker if it was left in the sun. We can give it a try!

  5. Eeew! That is sooooo disgusting!!
