Tuesday 4 November 2014


Over the last week Room 4 have been learning reasons why all people (babies, growing children and adults) should drink milk. We have read articles, asked experts, studied milk ingredients and done some research to form persuasive writing about why we should drink milk.

                                  The rewards of drinking milk
Milk is a vital part of our diets. As we get older our milk intake decreases for reasons the people think that there is too much fat in milk. They also think they do not need milk as much as younger people. However there are great rewards and health benefits for drinking milk.

Firstly, everybody needs milk to help keep glowing skin. Just drinking a few glasses of milk a day can lead to huge rewards and benefits! For example a person called Cleopatra took milk baths to benefit his skin. Also, milk contains lots of nutrients to get your skin looking its best. Milk has a lactic acid to help smooth skin. The rewards are huge for just drinking milk, who would have thought that milk can make you sparkle!

Secondly, drinking milk is essential for the health of your bones and teeth. Milk contains calcium. Your teeth and bones need calcium to keep the strong. For example,if you don’t drink milk your bones are more delicate and your skin can get bruised easier. Drinking milk helps prevent this. Having healthy bones and teeth could be coming your way with the help of milk.

Another reward for drinking milk is that milk helps you stay a healthy weight. Studies prove that woman all over the world who drink low fat milk lose more weight than woman that don’t drink milk at all. Milk is a great appetiser and a healthy snack. It’s as simple as adding a glass of milk to your every day dinner. Who knew that milk could help manage your weight.

Milk is an essential, we all need it. There are so many rewards for drinking milk.  

Written by Emma



  1. I love learning about milk

  2. Good work Emma now I think I will keep drinking milk.

    1. If I didn't drink milk, I would read this writing and start drinking milk. I wish I could write like you. Well done Emma.

    2. I agree With Aaliyah if I hated milk I would read your writing. What a could exposition I think I need to level up my writing to be like that. Wow!

  3. Wonderful writing Emma! I wish I was as good as you in writing! I'm not going to stop drinking milk any time soon. My favourite thing I learnt was that you can actually have milk baths to keep your skin in good condition.
