Wednesday 5 November 2014

Reading group Recap

We read “Ewes for Me” by Stuart Flowers and Joanne Watson

Today we learnt:
-Friesians aren’t just cattle, they can be a type of sheep too (Anna)
-Friesians are famous for having twins and triplets (Cam)
-that cerebral palsy is a condition when you cannot swallow solid food (Heather, Jade)
-that you can actually milk sheep! (Tommy)
-that you can train sheep to go where you want them to go (Jessie)
-how to say, read and know about “Friesians” (Zoe)

Blog post by H.O.T group. Thank you Kai for scanning the article for us.


  1. Great Work H.O.T group I'm sure you learnt lots!

  2. The whole group really enjoyed learning about sheep and how you can milk them. We are all suprised that you are actually able to milk freisan sheep! We all learnt a lot and enjoyed reading about this childs living style.

  3. It was a very interesting articile and yes I am sure we learnt lots, Grace! I never knew that you could milk goats!
