Thursday 27 November 2014


Tramp on Camp

On the 20th of November room 4 was at camp, and we went to the Sledge Track and it was really fun. I liked the trees and the water it was really good and nice to see nature.

I saw baby korus and big korus and trees they were beautiful. We heard birds chirping we heard water trickling down a waterfall. It was loud because the kids were talking. Room 4 found rubbish at the Sledge Track.
By Danielle

 Sledge Track Tramp

As we zoomed off in our speedy little cars we were on our way to the sledge track tramp. Over flowing with excitement I yanked my seat belt into its plug and we were on our way. Suddenly the other group’s cars weren’t visible any more. We were lost! Not nearly there, or almost on the right track, we were in the middle of nowhere, lost in the scorching sun that was not very far to melting me, this was not a very good start! Finally after what seemed like many hours of long hot traveling we arrived to see the rest of room 4 refiling on fuel. I eagerly joined in too, I defiantly needed some food! It was now time to start the tramp.

I eagerly strolled down the leaf coated path that stood before me, carrying a turtle on my back. Crunch, crash I could feel the leaves being crushed like a bull dozer as my feet hit them. I thought I could hear the lovely, nice sound of bird’s chirping, but it was probably just my classmates going bla bla bla 24/7. Just at that moment standing directly in front of me stood an enormous plant that curled up like a pig’s tail. I saw some very interesting plants that day. After all that hard work walking it was probably time to get another refill on food, so we made a halt at the Argyle Rocks. I was bursting with hunger.  My food jumped out of my lunch box heading directly for my watering mouth.

Before I knew it the camp had come to an end, what a remarkable experience! 
By Emma

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