Sunday 16 November 2014


Any outdoor activity entails many risks. Even a simple accident may create a dangerous situation that requires survival skills. However, with the correct precautions, outdoor recreation can be enjoyable and safe.

Write a letter to put on the fridge at home to inform your family of your excursions.

Provide a map with clear driving instructions from Halcombe School to the Manawatu Sledge Track. 


  1. I can't wait to go on camp! I've been looking forward to it for a very long time. I have never been on the Sledge Track. i think it is definetly going to be the best camp ever.

  2. I think this sledge track will be so hard going up hill and down because wastes a lot of your energy.

  3. I hope we have two good long breaks after that sledge track because we would be so tired after that.

  4. I am so excited about camp! The tramp looks really hard but I'm up for the challenge Miss Campbell! When you told us that it was called the sledge track I thought we were going skiing for a second!

  5. I can't wait for camp it will be so much fun!

  6. I am so ready for this tramp! I am clear of all the risks. This is going to help with fitness and learning! We will learn about the outdoors and explore the natural surroundings. Going opn a tramp can also be enjoyably safe! Writing a letter to put on the fridge at home is a great idea and reminder for the whole family!

  7. It sounds as if you are all ready and prepared for your tramp. It is so importnat that you have learnt how to manage the risks in the outdoors. Too many people in NZ are lost or hurt each year, because they don't follow the simple rules hat you know. Enjoy Sledge Track!

  8. Don't you know how excited i am? This is a great oppertunity to learn about all of our native surroundings! Do you think there will be any snow? I'm this excited! ' '
    Camp will be so fun! :D

  9. Your camp sounds like fun.

  10. Doing the sledge was so fun that I did it on Saturday.

  11. Jessie, there will not be any snow in the middle of spring! Anyway, it will be lots of fun. The Sledge Track is tramp and I like tramps.
